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Orthodontic Treatments for Adults – Prosper, TX

Even Adults Can Get Straighter Smiles

Would it surprise you to learn that a quarter of orthodontic patients are adults? Despite what many people think, braces and other orthodontic treatments aren’t just for children and teenagers; they can also help adults who are struggling with confidence issues (and possibly oral health problems) due to misaligned teeth. There’s no need to worry about having missed the boat for braces or clear aligners; as long as your gums and jawbone are in generally good health, you should be a viable candidate for orthodontic treatment. Our team focuses on shortening treatment time and keeping patients comfortable with the latest technology, and we will help you stay well-informed about your orthodontic options. If you have reached adulthood but are still bothered by oral alignment issues, call Buchwald Orthodontics to schedule an appointment for adult orthodontics in Prosper.

Why Choose Buchwald Orthodontics for Orthodontic Treatments for Adults?

  • We Welcome Patients of All Ages
  • Image-Friendly Orthodontic Treatments
  • Knowledgeable Board-Certified Orthodontic Expert

Adult Orthodontic Treatment Options


Invisalign is a very popular orthodontic option among adults. In fact, when given the choice, around half of our adult patients opt to use Invisalign to address their alignment issues. A series of aligners will be made with your specific mouth in mind. Thanks to the material that they’re made out of, your clear aligners will be virtually invisible when worn. On top of that, you will be able to take them out in order to eat whatever you want or to brush your teeth without having to work around an orthodontic appliance.

Clear Braces

Clear braces are similar to traditional metal braces in a lot of ways, but they do offer one distinct advantage: they are much less noticeable, meaning you will not have to worry about the way your smile looks while you are still in the middle of your treatment. And unlike clear aligners, they stay in the mouth at all times, so you don’t have to worry about whether you’re removing them too frequently throughout the day.

Metal Braces

Plenty of patients can benefit from metal braces – particularly if they have any advanced bite problems that need to be addressed or if they do not want to deal with a removable appliance. It’s worth noting that the biggest difference between metal braces and clear braces is the way they look, so choosing between the two often comes down to the patient’s preferences.

Why Should You Consider Orthodontic Treatment?

Man smiling in office after orthodontic treatment for adults in Prosper
  • Oral Hygiene: When your teeth are aligned correctly, you are likely to have an easier time cleaning them properly to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar.
  • Confidence: Are you worried about how your crooked teeth affect your appearance? Straightening your grin with clear aligners or braces can significantly improve your self-esteem and make it easier for you to show off your smile to others without reservation.
  • A Healthier Mouth: Certain orthodontic issues might increase your risk for gum recession, abnormal tooth wear, jaw pain, and other oral health problems. An orthodontic treatment could potentially save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Have you been considering pursuing orthodontic treatment recently? If you call our office, we can set up a complimentary consultation for you to get a better feel for your situation.

We Can't Wait to Meet You!

Several clear aligners with one in its carrying case

We’re ready to show you the difference that having a team that cares can make for your orthodontic treatment.


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Treatments Invisalign Braces