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Braces – Prosper, TX

The Traditional Way to Straighten Teeth

People tend to closely associate the word “orthodontics” with braces. With the help of traditional brackets and wires, we can correct a wide array of orthodontic issues in order to improve the health and function of your smile. While metal braces are available, our team at Buchwald Orthodontics is proud to also offer clear braces. Have you been thinking that braces might be a good choice for you or someone else in your family? If so, you can call Buchwald Orthodontics today to set up an appointment; during your visit, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about braces in Prosper.

How Braces Work

Closeup of a beautiful smile with braces in Prosper

Braces have helped countless patients achieve happier, healthier, and more beautiful smile for decades now, and it’s easy to see why! This straightforward treatment is a reliable way to address nearly all types and severities of orthodontic issues. They work using brackets, wires, and tension. The brackets are attached to the center of each tooth, and they are connected via a wire.

This wire gently and gradually moves the teeth into their ideal positions without hurting your teeth or their roots. As your braces guide your pearly whites and shape your smile, we’ll monitor your progress during your routine checkups to ensure everything is going according to plan. Most patients achieve the results they’re looking for within 12-18 months!

Types of Braces

Closeup of patient with glasses and braces getting a dental checkup

At Buchwald Orthodontics, you can choose between metal braces and clear braces. Both are highly reliable when it comes to straightening teeth and correcting bite problems, but it is worth taking the time to learn more about the advantages that each has to offer. Remember that you can always give us a call if you want to learn more about the types of braces available and which one might be the best option for you!

Metal Braces

Close up of smile with metal braces in Prosper

When you choose metal braces, the brackets and wires that you receive will be made out of stainless steel. Our practice specifically uses self-ligating metal braces that come with small doors that hold the wires in place. This helps simplify the orthodontic process, as there’s no need for us to tie a new steel wire to each bracket whenever you visit our office. Self-ligating braces are a state-of-the-art way to make your treatment more comfortable, and they can end up saving you time in the long run.

Learn More About Metal Braces

Clear Braces

Close up of person with clear braces on their teeth

Clear braces adjust the positions of the teeth the same way metal braces do, and the kind that we offer at our office are also self-ligating. However, clear braces come with ceramic brackets that don’t stand out as much as metal ones, which makes them a good option for patients who are worried about appearances. That being said, clear braces do tend to be a bit less durable compared to metal ones, and there is the possibility of the clear elastics becoming stained. Think carefully about your preferences before choosing between metal braces and clear braces.

The Problems Braces Can Fix

Prosper orthodontist discussing types of braces with patient in chair

Unlike clear aligners, traditional braces can address a wide range of orthodontic issues. In most cases, braces are used to address mild to serve cases of crooked teeth, bite misalignment, and gapped teeth. When you come see us for your consultation, we’ll take a close look at your teeth and jaws to determine which treatment would most effectively help you achieve your ideal smile. If you are dealing with any of the following, it’s likely that braces are an excellent choice for you:

Bite Misalignment

side profile of a woman with braces and an underbite in Prosper

When the upper and lower jaws don’t come together perfectly it’s called a bite misalignment. This includes problems like overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. A mismatched bite may not interfere with your appearance very much in most cases, but it can lead to excess strain on the jaw joints and wear on your enamel. Braces can gently reposition your jaw so that it sits comfortably and correctly where it should.

Crowded & Crooked Teeth

Closeup a patient’s mouth open to reveal crooked teeth in Prosper

Perhaps the most common issue associated with braces is crooked teeth. When teeth are too close together, a multitude of problems can follow. Not only do patients often feel self-conscious about how they look with crowded teeth, but the risk of oral health issues rises as well. Fortunately, braces can realign your teeth into a uniform and beautiful smile.

Gapped Teeth

Closeup of a patient with a cap between their front teeth in Prosper

Having too much space between the teeth can be an endearing trait for a child, but typically it is less so for a teenager or adult! When the teeth are gapped, food particles can fill the space and encourage cavities and gum disease. We can use braces to eliminate those spaces to restore your appearance and oral health.

Life with Braces

Smiling young girl pointing to her braces in Prosper

In order to ensure your treatment stays on track and that your teeth move accordingly, you’ll need to adjust a few things in your day-to-day life. You’ll need to avoid certain foods, take specific precautions during sports, and handle any mouth soreness you encounter during your orthodontic journey. We’ll go over all the important details you need to know during your appointment, but here are some of the basics to keep in mind.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

Girl with braces in Prosper holding her cheek in discomfort while also holding a

There are certain foods that you won’t be able to eat while wearing braces in Prosper. For example, hard foods might damage your brackets and wires while sticky foods could pull them off your teeth if you’re not careful. You may need to make a list of foods to stay away from during your orthodontic treatment. Common examples of hard foods include chips, corn on the cob, apples, carrots, and hard candies such as peppermints.

Meanwhile, sticky foods that should be cut out of your diet include gum, toffee, caramel, and a wide assortment of other sticky or chewy candies. Since tooth decay could potentially disrupt your orthodontic treatment, you should be careful not to overindulge in sugary foods (although a sweet treat such as cake every once in a while should be fine). To protect your braces from damage, you should make a point of breaking bad habits like biting your nails or chewing on your pen.

Playing Sports with Braces

Man in football helmet with athletic mouthguard attached

Braces will not prevent you from playing sports, but it is essential that you remember to wear an athletic mouthguard. If you already have a mouthguard, you shouldn’t try to customize it on your own to accommodate your brackets and wires; this could end up putting your braces at risk for damage and might even stop your teeth from moving properly. Instead, we recommend that you talk to our team to see what your options are. In many cases, we may suggest getting a mouthguard that is specifically designed to account for the presence of braces in your mouth.

Soreness Caused by Braces & Appliances

Woman in yellow sweater holding her cheek in pain

It’s not unusual to experience a little tenderness or soreness when braces are initially attached to your teeth. Over time, your mouth will get used to your braces. Until then, it may be a good idea to take Tylenol, Advil, or another type of pain reliever to keep your mouth as comfortable as possible. If there is a part of your braces that is irritating the soft tissues inside your mouth, you can cover the part in question with some wax. A pea-sized amount should typically be enough for your needs. We can help if you happen to run out of wax, so don’t be shy about reaching out to us if you need to.

The Cost of Braces

Woman with braces in Prosper smiling at an orange piggy bank

The cost of braces won’t be the same for each patient. We can figure out how much you can expect to pay once we have examined your mouth and determined the kind of treatment you need. At your initial examination, we will give you an estimate of the cost of your care, and we will go over the available financial options. If you have dental insurance, we can help you figure out how to get the most out of your benefits.

Emergency Care for Braces

Young girl with braces in Prosper touching her cheek and looking uncomfortable

Fortunately, experiencing any sort of dental emergency with your braces is quite rare. Nonetheless, we want our patients to have all the information they may need should such an occasion arise! If you need emergency care for your braces, or are unsure whether you do or not, do not hesitate to contact our office. We’ll help you as quickly as possible to ensure your comfort and that your treatment stays on track.

Learn More About Emergency Orthodontic Care

Retainer Instructions

Blue orthodontic retainer in Prosper being held above it’s case on a wooden table

Once your treatment is complete and your teeth are in their ideal positions, it’s time to protect your investment with a retainer! These small appliances are crucial for preventing dental drift and a relapse in orthodontic issues. If you have any questions about using or caring for your retainer, continue reading or call our office.

Read Your Retainer Instructions

Braces FAQs

(dev- please keep the layout from the original FAQ page where you can see the question and clicking on it expands the answer)

Do I need a referral from my regular dentist before beginning orthodontic treatment?

While many patients are referred to us by a dentist, this is not a requirement for being treated at our office. Feel free to call us directly to schedule an appointment on your own.

When should I schedule an orthodontic screening for my child?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, you should schedule an orthodontic screening for your child by the time they reach the age of 7. At this point, they should have some of their permanent teeth, making it easier for us to identify potential orthodontic issues.

Can the front teeth straighten out on their own over time?

As much as one might wish this were the case, the answer is no. In fact, once your permanent molars erupt, there will actually be less space for your front teeth as you grow older.

How do I schedule my first orthodontic appointment?

We encourage you to get in touch with our office if you want to schedule an appointment for yourself or your child. There are several options for getting in touch with us; you can always call us, of course, but you can also reach out via email or complete our online appointment request form.

What can I expect during my first orthodontic visit?

The first time you visit our office, we’ll do everything we can to help you get comfortable before we carry out our initial exam. In order to figure out what your smile needs, we will take a number of photographs and X-rays. Once the examination is complete, Dr. Buchwald will go over the results with you and explain what kind of treatment is recommended in your case.

How frequently will I need to have appointments during my orthodontic treatment?

It depends on your situation. If you have braces, you will likely need to come into our office every 5 to 10 weeks or so; however, some patients may have to come in more (or less) frequently than that. We will consider your case carefully when figuring out the necessary number of appointments.

Do I still need to visit my dentist during my orthodontic treatment?

Naturally, you should continue to see your regular dentist throughout your orthodontic treatment in order to protect your smile from tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health threats.

Does it hurt to get braces?

Your teeth may feel sore for a little while after having braces placed or adjusted. The discomfort should go away after a few days, and in the meantime, over-the-counter pain relievers can help.

Will I be able to go to school on the same day that I get my braces?

Yes, once your braces have been attached to your teeth, you should be able to return to your normal routine immediately.

Will braces stop me from playing sports?

It’s okay to play sports while wearing braces as long as you always wear a mouthguard. Talk to our team to figure out what kind of mouthguard you should get.

What foods can I not eat with braces?

It’s no secret that there are a number of foods that are best avoided while you are wearing braces. Hard foods like nuts and peppermints can damage your braces while sticky foods such as gum and taffy could pull your brackets off your teeth. Our team can give you a list of the various foods that you will need to cut out of your diet until your braces have been removed.

Does this practice ever use braces that have been recycled?

The answer is a firm no. Everyone has a unique smile, and as such we will always give our patients prescription braces that will help them achieve the results they want.

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